
Tokyo Editor's Diary:

Vol. 2
Mori Nahoko
Date: January 07, 2008

November 18 (just before dawn)

As soon as the party celebrating the publication of our newest issue closes I jumped over to the "Watami" restaurant to fill my empty stomach. Much relieved, from there I went dancing. I need to "dance my head off" every once in a while, which on this Saturday was followed by a deep and additionally purifying sleep. So now it’s Sunday, and I have some time to skateboard - another "once in a while" pastime - to ICC to see the current exhibition. I play around innocently with various types of interactive artworks, and realize that it’s not only technology, but also a flexible mindset and fresh ideas that can make some simple thoughts turn to reality. As I'm definitely a right brain kind of person, my clumsy attempt to overcome the barrier between me and my "former self" had me roll and writhe in agony while thinking, getting confused, straightening my thoughts, and thinking again… I'm kind of exhausted, but in a way that’s strangely new to me. Once I'm done with this sort of intellectual exploration of future matters, I guess I'll need some time to get organized again and ready for new emotional adventures. That’s about what goes on in my head while skating back home on a nicely smooth surface. I love that feeling of making curves by slightly shifting the center of gravity of my body (which has in fact an even greater effect when snowboarding in fresh snow). Anyway, as I write this the clock strikes five - in the morning - to ring in a new week. It’s a time of day when the color of the sky and the density of the air gradually change, as if to prove that the next day will surely come.


November 20

I check out an exhibition at Maison Martin Margiela. The unbridled inventiveness, imagination, fineness, beauty and tempestuousness of the displays suggest something quite far beyond mere clothing. These are certainly not the products of someone who spends his days on a desk fiddling around with a computer…


November 22

At a bookshop I spot a young man checking out magazines, with a copy of "+81" Vol. 38 under his arm. Reason enough for me to observe him as he puts all other mags back onto the shelf, heads for the cashiers, gets out his wallet and purchases his "+81". Oh how I'd love to run over and shake his hand, or better, throw my arms around him!!! I manage to control myself, but I'm so excited that I remain standing still there for a while. I have seen people reading "+81" in the past, but this is the first time I witness how somebody actually buys a copy. I should have run over to him, at least to say thank you or something. I promise I'll do that next time I catch someone in the same situation. Something like, "Hi, I'm working for that magazine you just purchased. Thanks for buying it!" And then, "May I ask what made you choose our mag?"

We just added a questionnaire page to the "+81" website. If you happen to have any - the latest or a back issue - copy, please feel free to leave some feedback, as we'd really like to hear your honest opinion. We want to hear your voice, communicate with our readers!



November 25

The smell of dry, beautifully colored autumn leaves in the air. I love it how we use that special character for "akai" (red) to refer to the color somewhere between yellow, orange and red.


November 27

The next issue of "+81", on sale in February, is dedicated to articles about magazines. One of the publications we're planning to feature is "Idea". I wonder how many years have passed since I first saw and browsed through the pages of this magazine… With zero knowledge about such things as design, layout or typography at the time, I remember feeling the irresistible urge to buy a copy, which was in fact my first own design magazine. It was also one of the books that sparked my interest in "creative individuals". I'm not a "designer" or even in the position to judge design myself, but I'd like to call myself someone who "appreciates looking at design".


December 2

I'm meeting all kinds of people all the time, but most recently I somehow feel particularly attracted to people "without fervor", which is totally different from being "unmotivated" or "resigned". It’s like light and shade. I'm talking about people who combine honesty and noblesse with a flexible yet solid core; people who understand what has to be done, and know how to approach it, without unnecessary constraint, and without spreading too many compliments; people with a broad horizon, a clear vision of people and things, and an opinion. It’s about people who treat their neighbors gently and hardly ever get angry, but are impregnable in a way. Such people "without fervor" do exist, and I would like to BE ONE OF THEM!



December 3

Someone from P-Vine Records sent me an invitation to the "Jazz Funk Expo". Great live music indeed. Rare and groovy. Listening to music while focusing on a single instrument and the rhythm is one of my recent habits. Guitar, keyboards and drums are surely great instruments, but the one I'm into these days is the bass guitar. It’s so much fun to hear that deep and massive sound and feel how it reverberates in the centre of my body.

"+81" website:
"+81plus" website: