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I've just been to the Suntory Museum Tenpozan to see a preview of the much-talked-about "Gundam: Generating Futures" exhibition (14 July; the exhibition runs…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated July 21, 2005
On 7/2 I went to hear a chat between Ito Toshiharu and Kikuchi Naruyoshi at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Ueno Campus. Most of you will…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated July 07, 2005
Reporters Without Borders/Reporters sans frontieres (RSF), the late Helmut Newton, agnes b., and Japanese actress Akiyoshi Kumiko… When I learned about…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated June 23, 2005
On the last Sunday of May I went to Jonanjima, a factory island in Tokyo Bay. The island is known primarily for its camping ground and artificial beach, and there…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated June 09, 2005
What keeps giving us headaches with the daily RT is the categorization of events we list. There are of course events that clearly classify as "movie"…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated May 26, 2005
I went to see reset-N’s "Valencia" at The Suzunari, a theatre in the redevelopment plan-shaken Shimokitazawa. Set in a small beauty salon…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated May 12, 2005
At the beginning of April we sent the latest volume of ART iT magazine off to the printer, so I'm having a bit more time again to sit back and see what’s happening…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated April 14, 2005
A few more notes about my thoughts in Spain (and Germany). Through the courtesy of the Spanish Tourist Office, after ARCO I was able to travel to Gasteiz…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated March 31, 2005
I interrupted my European travel report once for a piece on the "Korosu-na Haku" event, and now I'm back to write about my trip to Spain, where I went after…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated March 17, 2005
On 2/27 an event titled "Korosu-na Haku ("Do Not Kill Expo") was held at Aoyama Book Center’s main store to commemorate the publication of art critic…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated March 07, 2005
I went to Berlin to visit Germany’s biggest media art festival, "transmediale 05". As director Andreas Broeckmann mentions in his text he wrote for…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated February 17, 2005
I'm in Berlin for the "transmediale 05". That’s good of course, but this journey involves a feel of deepest regret: I'm missing Teshigawara Saburo in his latest piece…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated February 03, 2005
In early January I spent a few days in Hong Kong. Guided by Nakanishi Taka, the author of the excellent "Hong Kong Art & Culture Guide" (Gijutsuhyoron-sha), I…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated January 20, 2005
The horrific Indian Ocean earthquake/tsunami disaster that claimed more than 150,000 victims between Indonesia and the African east coast left me…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated January 06, 2005
As anticipated (see the previous installment of this column) and now reported in the media, Isozaki Arata has quit his post as the director of the 2005…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated December 23, 2004
Last weekend the Japanese art world was shaken by staggering news. Architect Isozaki Arata, the director of the 2005 Yokohama International Triennale of…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated December 09, 2004
Arto Lindsay’s concert at Daikanyama’s Unit came with an additional attraction. Arto himself and the musicians behind him — Melvin Gibbs (b) and Micah Gaugh…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated November 25, 2004
RT rececently featured a set of conversations on the theme Redesigning Tokyo, recorded during a series of events of the same title hosted by Kuwasawa…Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated November 11, 2004
The curator in charge, Amano Taro explains how it came to the cancellation: "In April or May we gave the museum’s director a DVD along with a text…..Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated August 19, 2004
Yokohama Museum of Art is currently hosting a smart exhibition titled "Non-sect Radical: Contemporary Photography III" (until 9/20). Ahlam Shibli…..Ozaki TetsuyaUpdated August 05, 2004